Accelerate Animation | About Accelerate Animation
About the professional and practice development programme for animators, and how it can help early career artists.
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About Accelerate

Accelerate is a professional and practice development programme for independent animators and artists, initially developed by Animate Projects and London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London, with additional support from Jerwood Charitable Foundation.


Opportunities to acquire and develop animation skills as part of a creative practice are limited and usually focus on software training or more traditional roles and modes of production. Through our Accelerate programme we are addressing needs that have arisen from changing models of production, practice, and career, and to help equip people to succeed in this fast changing context, where the industry is no longer neatly compartmentalised, and careers are inevitably ‘portfolio’.


Accelerate is working with early career animation creatives who have some professional experience, talent and ambition, as well as artists and filmmakers who use – or want to use – animation in their practice.


The Accelerate

programme aims to:


Assist early career animators to develop their creative and business skills


Offer access to crucial peer and professional networks


Supply training and development that is not readily available to freelance workers such as personal effectiveness and impact, time management, presentation and negotiation skills


Facilitate a bridge between higher education and professional practice


Provide development support beyond the basics of industry practice


Allow artists to develop creatively within their practice for a thriving, cutting edge animation scene

We will be developing the programme through a range

of activities, including public events, round table

discussions and workshops.

A touchstone for this development phase is a quote by Chris O’Reilly, founder and co-director of Nexus Productions:


“The recession has catalysed a lot of changes; it’s brought a need for a different type of creativity. It isn’t possible to use the

hammer blow of cash to shock and a we audiences and we’ve been looking for other ways to engage with people. There’s a

new sense of collaboration and that’s changed how we’re working. We’re doing projects that aren’t quite square pegs –

everything now is a little bit of an odd shape and needs quite a considerable amount of negotiation – and creative

negotiation – to decide what it’s going to be.”



London College of Communication is one of the six distinctive and distinguished Colleges that make up University of the Arts London. It is a world leader in media and design courses that prepare students for successful careers in the creative industries. The College specialises in graphic design and advertising, photography, film and animation, journalism, publishing and public relations, sound arts and design and interactive and spatial design. LCC’s current range of courses includes access, foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Multimedia convergence now informs the delivery of all courses.

Animation at LCC recognises traditional modes of animation production and delivery, and also acknowledges and embraces the impact made by new technologies that have resulted in contemporary animation’s central role in moving image practice.



Animate Projects is an arts charity in the UK dedicated to championing experimental animation. It has an international reputation for the artistic quality of the work it supports, and the Animate Collection is renowned as the premier online resource of experimental animation. Animate offers animators the space to take creative risks, to explore new forms, tools and processes so they can extend and redefine what animation is, and create radical new work.

Animate initiated and co-ordinates Animation Alliance UK – a network of animation professionals from a wide range of creative and professional practice and engagement – established to advocate for the recognition and support of animation as cultural cinema and artform.